

The sophistication and the complexities in the cyber-crime perpetrations have brought to the fore, the core issue plaguing the cybersecurity domain: lack of expertise and skilled workforce. According to Micheal Brown, CEO, Symantec there is a demand for six million cybersecurity professionals with a dearth of nearly 1.5million cybersecurity workforce by 2019. By the time the world has realised the importance of skilled workforce in the cybersecurity domain, EC-Council has already trained and certified over 200,000 candidates world over. In our endeavour to resolve the issue of workforce shortfall in our style, we are initiating knowledge sharing forums in every avenue possible. Being the subject matter experts that you are, share your whitepapers with us for us to publish them and together we share our knowledge to the world.


Exam Item Writers


“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind too); those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” - Charles Darwin Time and again, it’s a proven fact that people collaborate towards a larger goal. Here, we strive to put forward the same. Collaborate and share your knowledge with your peer group to build a better eco system of cybersecurity. Contribute your knowledge in the form of questions (exam items) which will then be selected by our Review Board. All the contributors, whose questions the board accepts will receive ECE points.


Review Board


The Review Board is an independent council of subject matter experts who share their expertise with us on the different initiatives. To be part of this distinguished board, the members should have met and qualified the criteria for being a member of the Review Board.


Beta Testing


Beta Testers are candidates who are certified by EC-Council. These members are given the privileges to perform beta testing on EC-Council certification programs. Depending on the qualification and the expertise of the member, they are allowed to perform beta testing on the latest exam content in order to ensure that are exams are fair and valid and ready for real time testing.


Suggested Events


In any industry, events are the best way to meet up, gather and network with your peer group to understand the latest trends in the industry. To facilitate this opportunity for our members, EC-Council has come up with this initiative of suggesting events. Any member, from any part of the world can suggest any Information Security event which can add value to the InfoSec professionals on our portal which can be viewed by millions of our members.